Sarah Meyers

Sarah Myers is a CLAM board member and serves on the Board Development Committee. She has been a full-time resident of West Marin for over twenty years and has been a renter in Dog Town, Inverness, Marshall, Inverness Park, Point Reyes and Olema, until, thanks to CLAM, she and her family were able to find housing stability when they became the first Community Land Trust homeowners in Marin County in 2014.

Sarah has been an artist for as long as she can remember, she grew up in the UK where she received her undergraduate degree in Art and Aesthetics from the University of Wales. She left the UK for the US to attend the Ohio State University MFA program, where she earned her Master's Degree in Painting and Drawing.

Sarah currently teaches kindergarten through 8th-grade art in San Francisco and is a Board Member of Gallery Route One.