Longtime CLAM Leader Kim Thompson Moves On


  • A Message from Board Chair Maureen Cornelia

  • A Letter from Kim Thompson, Outgoing Director of Community Engagement


A Message from Board Chair Maureen Cornelia

Dear Community,

This month CLAM reached another milestone with the completion of the summer’s Neighborhood Design Gatherings for the Coast Guard Project. It is a good time to pause and consider all that has contributed to CLAM’s steady progress over the years in making affordable housing a reality for our community. In a word, it is people – those individuals who have supported CLAM’s work through advocating with the County, participating in community meetings, sharing financial support, contributing as board and committee members and, most important, working on all our behalf as CLAM staff members.


CLAM’s growth over the past 20 years has been guided by a hugely dedicated staff, who have brought a range of talents and expertise coupled with a deep commitment to the CLAM mission. They have each played a key role in moving CLAM’s work forward. Possibly most visible to the community is Kim Thompson, who joined CLAM in 2012 as Executive Director and in June 2020 shifted to a new role as Director of Community Engagement.

Sometimes the right person for the job comes along at the right time – that was certainly the case with Kim. Among her gifts is a compelling  warmth that connects deeply with people and an unparalleled style of communicating that motivates and inspires. Kim guided CLAM through a significant period of growth, and in the process has deservedly become highly respected in the West Marin affordable housing community and in the Community Land Trust movement throughout California and beyond.

With the expertise in housing and community land trusts that she has developed over her years with CLAM, Kim now sees the opportunity to broaden her focus and will leave CLAM at the end of August to work in the wider community land trust field. She leaves a strong staff team in place that will continue working to expand affordable housing locally.

The CLAM board and staff are deeply grateful to Kim for the spirit and dedication she brought to her role at CLAM over the last 9 years. The imprint of her work is woven into the CLAM fabric and will continue to inspire us going forward. We wish her all the best and look forward to continuing to work with her in her new role.   


Maureen Cornelia,

Board Chair


A Letter from Kim Thompson, Outgoing Director of Community Engagement

Dear Friends,

It is with a deep and abiding joy for you and for our work together that I share the news that my time with CLAM has come to fulfillment. I have had the privilege of walking with you through CLAM for over nine years. I distinctly hold the joy of finishing out my chapter at CLAM with this summer’s Neighborhood Design Gatherings at the Coast Guard property!

Over this stretch of time, we have accomplished so much together. Now, going forward as a consultant, I’d like to bring forward stories, connections, and resources that support communities toward community ownership of land and housing. Our work to create affordable homes in one of the highest challenge areas in the country has taught me what is possible when the power of community is harnessed toward a common goal. In our years together, CLAM has:

  • More than doubled its affordable rental homes from eight to 18

  • Created the first two CLT affordable homes for sale in the County, redefining million-dollar homes to a price range affordable to local families now and in the future

  • Supported homeowners to create more than 24 affordable rentals on their properties, charging rents that local renters can afford

  • Attained our vision to secure the Coast Guard Neighborhood and recreate it for homes and community benefit, bringing 51 new homes and community spaces to help anchor Point Reyes and West Marin

  • And so much more!

At the root of this journey is each of you – the distinct gifts, skills and spirit that we each bring to the mix. For me, this is the richness of the work: to witness what each person brings forward, and what we bring forward together.

Don’t you think our work together has something to offer other communities struggling for housing across Marin and the state?

I am grateful for each and every board member, past and present, who has offered so much of themselves, with so much joy. All CLAM’s founders continue to uphold this community, as the original vision is so beautifully reborn with new people joining the fold.

CLAM staff is an inspirational group of women without compare. I am so grateful to have learned from and worked with them, watching them lift up one another as they also lift up this community with their intelligence, skill and heart for CLAM’s mission. I am so excited for what CLAM will continue to accomplish!

I also hold immense gratitude for all CLAM’s partners, funders, and advocates across the County and in the CLT networks. I’m not going anywhere, folks. I look forward to connecting in new ways to the amazing work underway.

I’m staying in West Marin, still a community member – so let’s go for a walk. I can now be reached at kimcommunityland@gmail.com. With a lotta heart and joy - See you soon!


Kim Thompson,

Outgoing Director of Community Engagement

Want to leave your reflections, words of gratitude, or well wishes for Kim? We've created a space for you to do just that! Click here to write a message.

Photo: CLAM staff take a break during a daylong planning retreat in August to paddle by the former Coast Guard property. From left, Deputy Director Stacey Laumann (front), Community Engagement Director Kim Thompson, Program Manager Ruth Lopez (back), Interim Executive Director Mary Vradelis, Development Director Stephanie Roth, Fundraising & Communications Associate Mari Nakagawa, Office Manager Yesenia Martinez.

Photo: CLAM staff take a break during a daylong planning retreat in August to paddle by the former Coast Guard property. From left, Deputy Director Stacey Laumann (front), Community Engagement Director Kim Thompson, Program Manager Ruth Lopez (back), Interim Executive Director Mary Vradelis, Development Director Stephanie Roth, Fundraising & Communications Associate Mari Nakagawa, Office Manager Yesenia Martinez.


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